At NCA, students are singing in music class, at chapel, in their classrooms, in after school clubs, and in performances beginning in the early learning. However, beginning at fifth grade, students can choose choir as one of their Fine Arts electives.
NCA has several choir opportunities for our 5th-8th-grade students. Beginning Choir, Intermediate Choir, and Advanced Choir meet during the school day and our two select ensembles, Una Voce and Uno Mustacho meet before school. Our Praise team leads worship at our middle school chapels.
“Choral music is not one of life’s frills. It’s something that goes to the very heart of our humanity, our sense of community, and our souls. You express, when you sing, your soul in song. And when you get together with a group of other singers, it becomes more than the sum of the parts. All of those people are pouring out their hearts and souls in perfect harmony, which is kind of an emblem for what we need in this world, when so much of the world is at odds with itself…that just to express, in symbolic terms, what it’s like when human beings are in harmony. That’s a lesson for our times and for all time.”
John Rutter
Beginning Choir is for fifth graders and meets two times each week for 40 minutes. In this class, students are taught the fundamentals of singing techniques, including breathing, tone quality, blending, and singing in two and sometimes three-part harmony. Beginning Choir typically performs at several chapels per year, as well as the Fifth Grade Concert and Spring Choir Concert.
In sixth grade, Intermediate Choir is one of the Fine Arts elective options. This class meets three times a week for 50 minutes and digs into more difficult and diverse choral literature. Students spend more time learning to read the notation and symbols on a choral score, and the focus continues to be on blend, unified vocal production, and singing in harmony. This choir also performs at special chapels throughout the year as well as the Fall and Spring Concerts.
Advanced Choir is for seventh and eighth-grade singers who have either participated in choir previously or have permission by the instructor to join. This class also meets three times a week. Students learn to be stronger sight-readers, to sing more challenging choral music in a variety of styles, and can often be heard singing in four-part harmony. Advanced Choir performs at special chapels, Fall and Spring Concerts, and sometimes goes off-campus for Choir Festivals or choral exchanges with other schools.
Una Voce (“One Voice”) is a select group of 7th and 8th-grade females who are also in Advanced Choir. This group meets before school twice a week and participants are chosen through an audition process. These ladies sing diverse, challenging music, and perform at a variety of events throughout the school year.
Uno Mustacho is a select group of 6th – 8th-grade males who meet twice a week before school. These young men audition at the beginning of the school year and have a great time singing and performing together. It is pure joy to listen and watch this brotherhood of young men sing.
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