Health and Safety

What do we do to keep your children safe and healthy?

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Your child's safety is very important to us. Learn about our policy.

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Learn about our health and wellness values.

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Safety Act Certified School

safNCA is ‘Safety Act Certified’ by the US Dept. of Homeland Security!

Read more about about our contract with Prepared Response’s Rapid Responder Solutions to upgrade our school safety, see this article: NCA Contracts with Prepared Response for Increased Student and Staff Safety. Keep an eye out for their logo around our school!

Safety at NCA

Caring for your children’s safety while at school is our top priority! Our safety program includes health, safety, emergency preparedness and crisis response. We want to share some of the systems and protocols we have in place:

  • Everett Police Department:  We have a close working relationship with the Everett Police and often have spontaneous visits from officers.
  • Rapid Responder Program:  This program provides police and fire departments with details about our school campus—buildings, parking lots, playgrounds, emergency shut offs. It enables emergency responders access to our surveillance cameras.
  • Rave Panic Button:  Staff have access to a mobile phone button that they can use to communicate campus wide in any emergency.
  • Safety Act Seal:  NCA is Safety Act Certified by the Department of Homeland Security.
  • CPR & First Aid:  Our teachers are CPR and First Aid certified.
  • Emergency Drills:  We regularly practice lock-down, earthquake and evacuation drills. We practiced our shelter-in-place, lock-down, earthquake and fire drills for The Great Washington ShakeOut.
  • Security Walk:  A staff member walks the campus multiple times each day checking for anything that might be out of place.
  • WatchD.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students):  “WatchDOGS play a vital role in keeping NCA safe and secure! They assist parents and students at the busy morning crosswalk and conduct safety walks around campus, actively looking for anything that seems out of place. Their fresh perspective helps enhance our campus safety, and it’s reassuring for our community to see them supporting our students and staff.”
  • Sign-In System:  All staff and visitors must wear a badge during school hours. Our School Gate Guardian System monitors visitors coming and going. Every visitor on campus who accesses the campus (past the lobby area) during school hours must have signed-in through this system and checked in at our front desk.
  • Emergency Supplies:  We have meals, first aid supplies, space blankets and water supplies for over 4,000 people.

Please join us in our desire to make NCA the safest place it can be. Follow the safety rules while on campus and if you have any questions about your children’s safety or our school policies, please contact us. We want to work with you to make NCA the safest place it can be for everyone.

247465177_Griffin Thomas STF

Thomas Griffin

Campus Pastor

Doug McCardle

Middle School Principal & Safety Coordinator

Watch DOGS

Watch Dogs are a huge component of our safety and security at NCA.  They are tasked with helping parents and students at the crosswalk in the morning.  One of our busiest times of the day.  They make numerous safety walks throughout the campus looking for people and situations that don’t look right.  They move about our campus with fresh eyes and input to make our campus a more safe place to be. It is good for our community to see that we have Watchdogs here keeping a protective watch over our students and staff.

Child Custody or *Parenting Cases

If legal custody stipulations apply to your child, it is required that this legal information is communicated, in writing, to the school office. We will abide by any current restraining orders involving our students. A current and valid copy must be on file in the office in order for the school to comply with the legal judgment.

*NCA does not get involved in, but not limited, child custody, separations, boyfriend, girlfriend, estranged relationship or divorce cases, nor do we take sides or write letters in parenting disputes or court cases. NCA staff and teachers do not participate in any interviews, phone calls, written information to guardian ad litem, attorneys or to parents in custody hearing unless subpoenaed by the court.

Child Abuse

Under mandatory reporting laws, it is required for NCA to report any suspected child abuse, neglect, or exploitation to Child Protective Services (CPS) or our local law enforcement agency within 48 hours. Prior notice to the parent(s) and/ or perpetrator will not be given.

Reasonable Cause Report: State law requires professional NCA personnel, including teachers, staff, counselors, volunteers and school administrators, to make an immediate oral report to local law enforcement authorities or Child Protective Services (CPS) whenever they have a reasonable cause to believe a child has/is suffered abuse or neglect.

WAC Definitions and Requirements: Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 388-15-130 further clarifies the definition of child abuse and neglect, as defined in the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 26.44.020. This includes, but is not limited to, parent to child, child to child, student to student, adult to child:

  • Inflicting physical injury on a child by other than accidental means, causing death, disfigurement, skin bruising, impairment of physical or emotional health, or loss or impairment of any bodily function.
  • Creating a substantial risk of physical harm to such a child’s bodily functioning.
  • Committing or allowing to be committed, any sexual offense against such child as defined in the criminal code or intentionally touching, either directly or through the clothing, the genitals, anus, or breasts of a child for other than hygiene or child care purposes.
  • Committing such acts which are cruel or inhumane regardless of observable injury. Such acts may include, but are not limited to, instances of extreme discipline demonstrating a disregard of a child’s pain and/or mental suffering.
  • Assaulting or criminally mistreating a child as defined by the criminal code.
  • Failing to provide food, shelter, clothing, supervision, health or development of a child.
  • Engaging in actions or omissions resulting in injury to or creating a substantial risk to the physical health, mental health, or development of a child.

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