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Objectives and Goals


Northshore integrates faith and learning as we educate and equip the whole child


Our course considers the faithful choices made by the prophets and apostles. Contemporary Christian examples of faithful people, along with many traditional hymns will prove that God still supports the faith of His people. These concepts are built through reading and memorization of the Word of God, chapel participation, classroom discussions, prayer and other activities. Our objective is that students will come to know and love the great God of faith who is ever faithful, accept Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, and apply the principles of Christian living in their everyday lives.

Bible Memorization

A Bible verse for memorization is assigned each week, except during speech meet memorization weeks.


Emphasis is on Christian commitment, lifestyle issues, and practical applications of Biblical truth to daily living through guest speakers who share God’s word through drama, speech and other media.



Self Contained Classrooms (Homeroom) and Math Block Rotation | Advanced Math


Computers, Library, PE, Spanish, Music: Band, Orchestra or Choir, Engineering – Project Lead the Way


  • Full Day
  • Morning Recess – 20 minutes
  • Lunch/Recess – 45 minutes

Fifth Grade Teachers

At Northshore Christian Academy in the 5th Grade Department, our students are blessed with incredible educators who have the high distinction of: over 37 years of experience teaching, 2 Masters Degrees, and are ACSI accredited and have Washington State Teaching Certificates. Our teachers feel called to be exemplary educators and come from diverse and prominent teaching backgrounds that equip them with the tools necessary to meet the needs of each of our students.

As a Christian school, located in Everett, WA, we have the pleasure of partnering with families, local schools and businesses to give our students a well-rounded education. Our program focuses not only on the exemplary academics and their spiritual development of each student, but also their social and emotional development. Our program diligently works to support each of our students in their scholarly and personally endeavors as it helps shape and mold them into thriving members of our community.

Through collaborative team work, facilitated by our Learner Centered Collaboration (LCC), our teachers are able to create an environment of dynamically different teaching styles and strategically consistent curriculum. This allows our teachers to successfully impact our students by supporting all different learning styles. Northshore’s teamwork approach in evaluating data, such as our standardized testing, helps our program continue to be at the forefront of producing students ready to lead the world.



The CIA approach is designed to encourage active reading. Active readers are constantly thinking about their reading by collecting information, interpreting the author’s theme, line of thinking, and the turning point, interpreting evidence, and evaluating and synthesizing literature (comprehension strategies). Our objective is that students will be engaged in active reading experiences using independent reading, reader’s notebooks, and literature circles. Direct instruction happens through instructional read aloud, shared reading, mini-lessons and small groups. Students will read and comprehend literature and informational texts at the high end of grade 5 complexity band independently and proficiently.


Students learn the elements of written communication so that they can grow in written expression. It is our objective that the students learn and develop the traits of good writing, and recognize and appreciate these in works from other authors. Students will write in informational, argument, narrative, and poetic forms.

Language: Students learn and use rules of grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and other language concepts. Students will be able to show that they can effectively use words to express God’s love to others through either the written or spoken word. They will be able to apply their knowledge of grammatical structure to their own thoughts and words and be able to develop a body of thought in an intelligent and orderly manner.

Spelling: Students are provided with word lists and learning activities according to their level and are tested weekly. Students are also held accountable for application of learned spelling rules and patterns in their writing assignments.


Our objective is to develop in students a solid foundation of elementary mathematics. Problem solving skills and strategies, real-life examples and word problems, and basic operations are emphasized. Along with other focuses of study, students learn to understand and operate with fractions, decimals, and percent’s. Multiple-step problems provide practice to develop higher-level thinking skills. Math Expressions has three components: focus, coherence, and rigor. Content is focused on essential learning of core concepts for Mathematics. Program content is organized into meaningful progressions that connect key topics between the grade levels. Content is presented for students to gain a deep conceptual understanding, fluency with procedures, and the ability to apply their understanding to solve problems.

Social Studies

In fifth grade, students will learn about the history of the United States and discover God’s plan for America. Students will also look at geography by interpreting historical maps and seeing how America grows. Students will study historical economic forces, cultural aspects of America, and how government was established and developed. Content will include Ancient Americas, Exploration and Explorers, European settlements in North America, Colonial America, The Revolutionary War, Famous Americans, and Geography.


Students will learn that God is the creator and sustainer of all life. Order is found throughout all of God’s creation. Students will learn that nature operates on orderly principles and that we may learn more about God’s creation by investigating the world around us. Students will learn and use the scientific method to investigate scientific concepts Science is a year-long science program that integrates direct instruction, inquiry based instruction. Hands on science kits, technology resources and textbooks are used as learning tools. Science units include life science, earth science, physical science, space and technology. Based on inquiry-rich content with a sequence of structured and supportive inquiry activities, the science curriculum provides materials for both students and teachers in print, video, and online.

Music & Specialists


With an ever changing world driven by continual technological advancements equipping our students with a firm foundation in technology education is essential. Our students are taught proper typing techniques, with lots of practice resulting in sharpened accuracy and speed. We ensure our students are grounded with a Bible-based, Christian perspective. The focus of computers in fifth grade is to touch on computer ethics from a Christian perspective and to develop problem solving techniques. Typing skills will be practiced throughout the semester. This course covers a variety of software applications and introduces students to Microsoft Office 2010 (Word 2010, PowerPoint 2010, Publisher 2010, OneNote 2010, and Excel 2010). Students will use these software applications for special assignments in their core subjects such as English, history, and science.


Students learn how to do research, including brainstorming, and choosing a topic. They learn how to use a dictionary bank, magazines, book indexes and almanacs as sources for research. They also learn how to utilize charts, timelines and tables. Also covered is how to take notes, organizing an outline, skimming, free writing and supporting research statements. Students learn how to finish a report with footnotes, bibliography and proofreading.


5th Grade Choir meets two times per week for 40 minutes where we explore all aspects of vocal music through listening, singing, reading and performing. In 5th Grade Choir we give students the opportunity to learn a variety of styles and genre of choral music in unison and two parts. Students learn to read and recognize rhythms and notes and to follow a choral music score. Students do various exercises to develop their range, tone quality, dynamics, diction and subtleties of style. Students are encouraged to use music as a form of communication in expressing their thoughts and feelings. Students are encouraged that music can be a powerful tool to communicate with God and about God. They are encouraged to develop their skills in order to do that more effectively and to bring honor and glory to God by doing it to the best
of their abilities.

Beginning Band

  • Students will learn proper playing techniques including posture, breathing, fingerings, and embouchure.
  • Students will learn good rehearsal procedures including rehearsal conduct, following the conductor, courtesy, and being prepared for rehearsals.
  • Students will learn musical concepts and values including ensemble playing, steady beat, playing in tune, accurate articulation and note reading, and expressive musical phrasing.
  • Students will learn how to practice individually.
  • Students will explore and become aware of historical and stylistic musical concepts as we play a variety of music.


Orchestra 5 is a beginning string program where students are taught how to play violin, viola or cello. They are taught proper care and maintenance of the instrument, the parts of the instrument, proper playing technique, music reading skills, musicality, rehearsal etiquette and procedure, musical vocabulary, rhythm, music theory and performance skills. Orchestra 5 meets twice a week for forty minutes and performs at least 3 times throughout the school year. Students are required to turn in weekly practice charts as a part of their grade. Students are encouraged to use music as a form of communication in expressing their thoughts and feelings. Students are encouraged that music can be a powerful tool to communicate with God and about God. They are encouraged to develop their skills in order to do that more effectively and to bring honor and glory to God by doing it to the best of their abilities.


The students will learn teamwork and sportsmanship and participate in a variety of athletic activities to facilitate the development of motor skills, coordination, and physical fitness. Skills are taught for successful game participation such as basketball, soccer, volleyball, floor hockey, flag football.


All Spanish classes at Northshore are taught with a method called TPRStorytelling which uses four consecutive steps of language acquisition: hearing, speaking, reading and writing. Students hear and respond to new vocabulary, participate in building stories with that vocabulary and respond to questions with answers and discussion. They are soon able to add their own ideas in Spanish. Songs, games, and skits are all part of the system that has fluency in Spanish as its aim. During two half-hour classes per week students hear and act out stories about Gabi the Cat in Spanish continuing the lessons in Cuéntame by TPRS publishing. They can answer and ask questions, add their own story endings and make up their own original stories and skits all in Spanish. They review and learn new vocabulary with games and flashcards. Numbers to 1,000,000 and learn Spanish worship songs.


Students study seven famous artists each year such as: Monet, Picasso, van Gogh, Cassatt, Homer, Mondrian, and Escher. They study their artwork and techniques that have made their art world-renowned. Students learn art theory and techniques through hands-on art projects that build art skills using various mediums.

Engineering – Project Lead the Way

Project Lead the Way (PLTW) is the leading provider of rigorous and innovative Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education curricular programs. The program is set up in modules that follow the design process. Each 10-hour module is aligned to grade-level standards and incorporates the process of hands-on engineering. In fifth grade, students explore ways that robots are used in today’s world and the impact of their use on society and the environment. Students learn about a variety of components as a build and test mobile robots that may be controlled remotely.


Field Trips

Fall Outdoor Education at Cedar Springs Camp, Spring Ecosystem Exploration at Padilla Bay


Winter 5th grade concert and Spring Choir, Band and Orchestra Concerts

Classroom Highlights

Sail America Expo, Student-Led Conferences, Leading the all-school Christmas Chapels, technology integration through the use of 1-to-1 Chromebook in the classroom.


Speech Meet, Math Olympics, Missions Month, Walk-a-thon, Moments with Mom, Dad and dessert night.

Leadership Development Programs

5th Grade leadership training program. Volunteer opportunities for drama, mission outreach, tutoring, or safety patrol participation throughout the year.


Bible: Bible, ACSI

Reading/Language Arts: Spelling Connections 6, Zane-Bloser, CIA Approach, Various Literature Selections, Easy Grammar, Caught ‘Ya Grammar with a Giggle.

Novel Studies: Realistic Fiction Series, Wilderness Survival Series, American History Series.

Writing: Smart Writing by Laura Robb

Math: Math Expressions

Social Studies: America’s Stories, Harcourt Brace; Interact Simulations

Science: Scott Foresman (2010) Diamond Edition


Classroom set of Chromebooks, Promethean Board, and document camera, educational software and apps, classroom active-vote systems, Pasco scientific probes, interactive learning subscriptions such as Brainpop and encyclopedias, mobile laptop lab.

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Accreditations & Affiliations