

Eighth Grade Overview

Eighth grade is an exciting time for our students as they complete their preparation for high school and beyond. Many step into school leadership and partake in the high school transition activities. The year kicks off with a fall retreat that builds social relationships, leadership opportunities, and their relationship with God. Students have several opportunities throughout the year to lead middle school and all school events.

Preparation for high school is emphasized all year. This includes seminars from high school counselors, high school selection events, and mapping out their high school curriculum tract. Students are well-prepared for the high school experience and often participate in honors or AP classes. 

One of the highlights of the eighth-grade year is the Bible class with an emphasis on biblical worldview instruction. This curriculum focuses on interpreting the variety of worldviews as well  as developing their own. This is important preparation as they go to high school.

Traditional year-end activities for our eighth-grade students are abundant. They include awards, a commissioning breakfast, and graduation ceremonies as well as social events.

Eighth Grade Teachers

At Northshore Christian Academy in the 8th Grade Department, our students are blessed with incredible educators who have experience teaching, advanced degrees, and ACSI teacher certification. Our teachers feel called to be exemplary educators and come from diverse and prominent teaching backgrounds that equip them with the tools necessary to meet the needs of each of our students.

As a Christian school, we have the pleasure of partnering with families, local schools, and businesses to give our students a well-rounded education. Our program focuses not only on the exemplary academics and the spiritual development of each student, but also their social and emotional development. 

Biblical Studies

Students build upon their foundation of Biblical knowledge and apply it into real-life applications through a study of spiritual disciplines and practical application in and out of the classroom.

Life Science


Students learn about life science facts, systems, and vocabulary. Participants will observe, draw, dissect, apply critical thinking skills, and use the scientific method. Life Science topics include taxonomy (classification), cellular biology, molecular biology, the tissues and structures of plants and animals, cellular respiration and photosynthesis, ecology, and the systems of the human body. The objectives of this course are mastery of basic life science facts along with the development of interest in and enjoyment of the amazing living things our Creator has designed.


While students are learning mathematics, they will understand the concept of absolute truth, and their minds will be strengthened through thinking and reasoning skills. Students will learn to go from the concrete to the abstract, from the particular to the general, from the content to the concept. They will also learn to process facts as part of the truth and order that God has built into reality. Each grade level builds upon previous learning in which mathematical concepts are distributed throughout the year for better retention and math mastery. Students will be placed in Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Geometry, or Algebra 2.

Language Arts

The eighth-grade language arts course focuses on vocabulary, grammar, literature, and composition. Building on Common Core writing standards melded together with a variety of techniques, students create multiple forms of original writing in conjunction with the literature being read and analyzed. A variety of literary genres, fiction, and non-fiction, are explored in eighth grade including essays, poetry, short stories, dramas, novels, and more. Thoughtful interpretive discussions about literature, along with critical analysis, are emphasized. Students are also given strategies that build public speaking confidence. By participating in the speech meet, class debates, Socratic seminars, and oral presentations students learn to express themselves orally with poise and clarity.



Students spend a year studying the history of the United States using a biblical curriculum. This year of learning emphasizes historical events, westward expansion, and the role of government. It prepares our students with a solid foundation for future studies in social studies at the high school level. To culminate their learning, students have the opportunity to travel to Washington, D.C. every other year with their classmates.

Elective Options

Faith Electives

  • Gospel Foundations 
  • Worship Leadership Praise Team 

Faith Electives

  • Advanced Band
  • Advanced Orchestra
  • Advanced Choir
  • Guitar
  • Drama
  • Art

STEM Electives

  • Computer Coding
  • PLTW: Design and Modeling
  • PLTW: Medical Detectives

General Electives

  • Spanish
  • PE
  • Speech and Debate
  • Intro to Business & Financial Peace
  • Yearbook Design and Photography
  • Student Leadership Counsil (SLC)

View our 8th Grade Course Catalog and 8th Scheduling Form under ‘Middle School’ on our Parent Forms & Document webpage

8th Grade Graduation


“The school provides the right kind of nurturing environment that enables my boys a seed of excellence to grow. Thank you so much!”

-Middle School Parent

“Christianity is woven into academic material. For the most part, administration and staff use Biblical principles to plan and make decisions.”

-Middle School Parent

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