
Elementary Specialist

Project Lead the WAY (PLTW)

What if there was a class driven by a quest for innovation? Where you learned not only how things worked, but how you might make them work better. Where the biggest challenge was between You and Your imagination. What if that classroom was incorporated into NCA?!

Project Lead the Way (PLTW) is a key leader in providing rigorous and innovative Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education curricular programs used across the U.S. Students will have the opportunity to create, design and build projects like robots and cars; applying what they are learning in math and science to the world’s challenges. To learn more about PLTW, visit their website.

Sample Content

Below is a sample of content taught per grade level. NCA teaches four different units per grade level in PLTW.

Kindergarten — Structure and Function Students discover the design process and how engineers influence their lives. In small groups, students design, build and test a paintbrush out of available materials to withstand force. Then, the students use the design process to sketch, build, test, and reflect on improved paintbrush design.

Grade 1 — Light and Sound Students investigate light and sound waves including vibration from sound waves and the effect of different materials on the path of a beam of light. The students use the design process to sketch, build, test, and reflect on a device that uses light or sound to communicate over a distance.

Grade 2 — Materials Science: Properties of Matter Students investigate and classify different kinds of materials by their observable properties. After testing materials and analyzing the data, the students determine the best material to solve a design problem.

Grade 3 — Stability and Motion: Science of Flight Students are introduced to how aircraft vehicles fly while investigating the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces on the motion of an object. Students develop an understanding of how engineers work and are introduced to aspects of the aerospace engineering field. Students also learn sketching techniques, discover computer-aided design, and use basic descriptive geometry as a component of design and measurement to model their solutions. Using an engineering notebook and other forms of documentation, students document the process by which the design models and solve problems.

Grade 4 — Energy: Conservation Utilizing mobile robotics and building on their prior experience, students design, model, test, and refine a device that converts electrical energy to mechanical energy. The students explore engineering careers that involve energy conservation and mechanical design.

Grade 5 — Robotics and Automation Students explore ways that robots are used in today’s world and the impact of their use on society and the environment. Students learn about a variety of components to build and test mobile robots that may be controlled remotely.


“With a commitment to teaching Jesus, Prayer, Math and Science, you have the best teaching staff in the world!

NCA Parent Survey Quote

“We get to learn about new technology and how things work. It is fun!”

Gage Karas


What our students are doing in class

Kindergarten through 5th Grades

  • Kindergarten—Learning to use a mouse and right-click, click and drag and draw various pictures associated with classroom learning targets. Students learn basic technology vocabulary.

  • 1st Grade—Learning to use the keyboard to spell out words, vocabulary, learning ctrl + alt + del & logging on and off computers, and classroom learning support in Kidpix.

  • 2nd Grade—Beginning typing skills: learning home row keys. Students complete assignments that support classroom learning in Kidpix and Kidspiration.

  • 3rd Grade—Working on typing in Typing Agent. We also use keyboard covers and monitor words per minute (wpm) in class. Students learn grade-level appropriate technology vocabulary. We begin Office programs: Word, Publisher, and Powerpoint. Working on saving their work in files on their own student accounts.

  • 4th Grade—Windows 7 Training: Login, Jump Lists, Folder options, Task Bar pinning, Personalize, Search, Shake, Snap, MS Paint, Custom PowerPoint Animation, and Publisher brochures

  • 5th Grade

    • Windows 7 Training: Login, Jump Lists, Folder options, Task Bar pinning, Personalize, Search, Shake, Snap, MS Paint

    • MS Word: Best of Elementary paper

    • MS Publisher

    • Custom PowerPoint Animation

Hour of Code 2018

NCA hosted and participated in Hour of Code during Computer Science Education Week in December of 2018. All K-5th and 6th-grade coding classes participated and received certificates. What is Hour of Code?

Technology Resources

At NCA we strive to build our students into Christian leaders who will influence our community for Jesus Christ. We integrate the Bible into every class. Along with deepening our students’ roots as they are grounded in the Word of God, we develop their wings through solid academics and technology. We see that using technology responsibly takes character and wisdom. With talents and resources comes responsibility and accountability. Here are our prayerful dreams for each student:

School Technology Competencies

Through their classwork in the school, all students should have the opportunity to develop the following technology competencies. These competencies will be used as a basis for evaluation of our technology program:

  • Be able to properly complete assignments using a word processing.
  • Be able to understand and know how to use multiple software programs to achieve the best results for an assignment.
  • Be able to develop keyboarding proficiency
  • Be able to create multimedia presentations.
  • Be able to use technology to communicate with others.
  • Be able to use technology to search for information.
  • Be able to assess internet accuracy and integrity of quality information
  • Be able to use available software, at an appropriate age level.
  • Be able to understand the ethical stewardship of technology and information.
  • Be able to access information over the School computer network.
  • Be able to make advantageous use of emerging technologies such as interactive video.

Our computer department offers advanced training for our middle school students in web-page design, game-design, photo-shop, and programming classes.

To learn more about our parent resources on keeping our students safe at school and home on digital devices, go to our Technology page and visit the Digitial Citizenship section. 


Student Online Library – Follett / Destiny Library

Go here to search for books and resources in our Elementary and Middle School Libraries:

Library Follett/Destiny Online

Our school librarians manage approximately 16,000 volumes in NCA’s library for both elementary and middle school. Our librarians collaborate with classroom teachers to extend literacy learning and the joy of reading. During library time with our librarian, students learn many topics, including book care and library citizenship. They are introduced to award-winning authors and illustrators, learn about book layouts, fiction vs. non-fiction, the Dewey Decimal system, call numbers, and research skills.

NCA Library Book Donations

Leave a lasting legacy, and donate a book! It’s EASY!

  • Check out the NCA Library Amazon Wish List at

  • Select from a wide range of pre-approved books organized by grade level.

  • Have your book delivered directly to NCA (shipping address is included with the Wish List) or choose to deliver it yourself.

  • Notify the NCA Library if you would like your book adorned with a bookplate –




“I love the library because there is a huge variety of books that you can choose from.”

Makayla Simmons

Physical Education

At Northshore, we are committed to building students agility, coordination and teamwork skills in every grade. Students in 1st-8th grade participate in PE twice a week, while kindergarten has PE once a week, with the exception of 6th grade which has PE 1 Semester. We focus on students displaying five main objectives. They are cognitive and social objectives; Sportsmanship-showing respect for others, Participation-willingness to try new activities, Attitude-showing Christ-like attitude and behavior, Cooperation-work together with others, Effort-always try your best.  Students learn how to incorporate the components of fitness; flexibility, muscular endurance, muscular strength, and cardiovascular endurance. Physical objectives, such as balance, flexibility, strength, cardio, agility, coordination, speed and reaction time are an important part of the program for every grade level.  In addition to the learning objectives, all students experience numerous games and sports. These games include flag football, hockey, volleyball, soccer, basketball, badminton, ultimate Frisbee, pickle ball, juggling, speedball, track, jump rope, aerobics, and Taekwondo. All sports are introduced as early as possible, even in kindergarten. By 6-8th grade, students have a basic mastery and understanding of the elements of each sport and the basis for developing strong skills in each sport.



“It is good to learn new sports”

Steven Custer

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