Educator Excellence Award INVESTMENT Fund
Why: The establishment of our Educator Excellence Award Thrivent Investment Fund is to honor and recognize our teachers who exemplify our mission and pursue excellence in the art of teaching. This program is enhancing our effort to retain, grow, and attract inspiring Christian educators.
How awards are funded: Our plan is to further grow the established Investment Fund to our goal of $500,000 which will allow for a perpetual $20,000 a year to fund the award distribution on an annual basis.
$235,000 was been raised via our spring 2023 Walk-a-Thon & Online Auction fundraisers and Annual Fund donations. This principal investment is currently generating earnings toward our goal of annually funding the award distribution. The fund has now grown to $255,000!
Purpose: To honor and recognize through monetary awards our educators who exemplify our mission and pursue excellence.
When: Because of generous donors, we began the award program in the spring of 2023 while we strive to build the earmarked fund that will perpetually pay out! Each school year, these awards will be selected in May and awarded out to the educators during our last day of school assembly.
Nomination/Qualification Process: A committee of teachers and administrators has been formed to develop the nomination process and qualifications for the award.
Selection: A selection committee will be put together to determine the award recipients. This can include administrators, school board members, and Northshore staff.
Award Amounts: The goal is to award $20,000 per year.
Missional Excellence Awards (10 given): Each recipient will receive $1500.
‘All In’ Award (2 given):
- Each award recipient will receive $2,500
- $2,000 will go directly to the employee in compensation. $500 will go toward further innovation and excellence in their classroom
Thank you for your investment in our teachers now and for the future. We are excited to honor and award educator excellence at NCA.
Questions? Please contact Lina Maragliano, NCA Development Director at

We can help you—please contact:
Phone: 425.322.2371
- In your giving planning, would you prayerfully consider a one-time, monthly, or ongoing yearly pledge toward this important initiative?
- Invest in Christian educators to be part of this lasting legacy.
Designated gifts will go directly to this fund. One-time, monthly, or yearly recurring pledges are easily set up. Please contact Lina Maragliano, NCA Development Director for assistantce at
Northshore Christian Church & Academy is a charitable organization under a 501(c)(3) designation. Donations to Northshore are considered tax deductible as long as no goods or services were provided in exchange. Tax ID: 91-1515354
2023-2024 Award Winners
These individuals are a representation of the many phenomenal teachers we have throughout our campus who exemplify our mission and pursue excellence.
Thank you for your investment in our teachers now and for the future. We are excited to honor and award the excellence of your student’s experience in the classroom.NCA ‘All In’ Awards:
- Ashley Clausen (ELC Teacher) and Lindsay Carter (6th Grade Teacher)
- Each recipient received $2,000 in compensation, and $500 for further innovation and excellence in the classroom.
NCA Missional Excellence Awards:
- Teacher (position): Randi Tuggle (6th), Paul Gonzales (8th), Ruth Haugo (2nd), Mariah Joss (3rd), Mackenzie Dahlberg (Kindergarten), Christy Conser (PE Specialist), Jennifer Hanson (Music Specialist).
- Each recipient received $1,250 in compensation, and $250 for further innovation and excellence in the classroom.
NCA ‘All In’ Awards:- Teacher (position): Lindsay Ott (3rd), Sarah Leighow (Kindergarten)
Each recipient received $2,000 in compensation, and $500 for further innovation and excellence in the classroom.
- Teacher (position): Liz Haltom (ELC) Jessica Gehlke (ELC), Heather Sidenquist (2nd), Camille Dittemore (2nd), Cindy Quigley (4th), Amy Benton (4th), Amanda Tormon (6th), Jene Petrie (7th), Eudis Matos (Spanish Specialist), Kelsey Fletcher (former Music Specialist)
Each recipient received $1,250 in compensation, and $250 for further innovation and excellence in the classroom.
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