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Missions Outreach

Missions Outreach

Every year, Northshore Christian Academy sets aside over three weeks to learn about local and foreign missions. Chapels are focused on missions with guest speakers who share about their missions experience, how and why they have served the Lord locally and around the world, and the amazing outcomes of their service to others in need. Organized outreach opportunities serving our communities and impacting our world are provided for our students. Our students learn, first-hand, the true meaning of serving others through Christ, providing them with valuable lessons regarding a sense of purpose.

Why is Missions Month important at NCA? Because Matthew 28:19-20 (The Great Commission) tells us: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Northshore Christian Church even refers to missions as “Global Discipleship.”​

NCA students learn that they have the opportunity to serve Christ, no matter where they live! Their lives will reflect the compassion, love and concern of the Lord, not just for people in other countries, but also for members of their families, their neighbors, and for the under resourced. They will be challenged to put their faith and love for Christ into practice. We want our students to share the gospel, the good news of Christ’s “living story” of hope and peace!

Mission Outreach Verse

"Whatever you did for one of the least of these… you did for Me.” ~ Matthew 25:40

Serving our Community

One prevailing focus is to teach community service to our students. This helps instill empathy, civic responsibility, and a deeper connection to their communities, while building leadership skills. In addition to our Missions Outreach month, we:

  • Require a reasonable number of Service Hours outside of school each year for 6th-8th students
  • Choose school service projects to support community organizations throughout the Holiday season.

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