Excelling in Science, Technology, Engineering & Math


The future of the world is sitting in our science classrooms as students learn the building blocks to team work, questioning the norm, and developing a growth mindset. 

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Technology is in the fabric of life and NCA inspires all students to be digital citizens.

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NCA teaches four different units per grade level in PLTW.

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 NCA math students perform on average one grade level ahead of students of their age. 

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STEM Education is an important part of what we do at NCA. Students have multiple opportunities to engage in science, technology, engineering and math throughout their school experience. These opportunities exist within the assigned curriculum and additionally in the elective courses, students are offered such as Computer Coding, Project Lead The Way (Engineering & Medical Detectives).

Our STEM program offers students weekly Engineering classes for K-8th grade, hands on Science labs, Technology training in our Computer Lab along with a strong Math program with early advancement opportunities.  To learn more about our programs and the opportunities click on the read more in each category above.

The Middle School Pavilion houses a High School level state-of-the art Science Lab in which students explore God’s creation of the universe, life, technology, and the interaction of natural systems. Using the scientific method and hands-on experiments, students will deepen their understanding and application of science.

With an ever-changing world driven by continual technological advancements, equipping our students with a firm foundation in technology education is essential. We have a 26 state-of-art-26 station computer lab, Chromebooks for each classroom, and Promethean interactive whiteboards in every classroom to enhance instruction.

Mathematics is a universal language on which everything else is built. At NCA, students begin learning problem solving and algebraic thinking in addition to basic math skills in the early grades. Students have the opportunity for advanced math placement beginning in 3rd grade, propelling them toward starting in higher level maths in high school.

Teryn Jeyarajah

Teryn Jeyarajah

STEM Coordinator

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