


Success of NCA Students

We continue to be pleased with the results we are seeing in Math achievement at NCA over the past few years. NCA math students perform on average one grade level ahead of students of their age. We find that our graduates consistently qualify for honors/preAP programs in both public and private high schools such as Archbishop Murphy, Cascade, Everett HS, Glacier Peak, Jackson HS, Kamiak, King’s, Seattle Prep, and Snohomish HS. Last year one third of our 8th grade students studied high school level Algebra. All of these students passed the Washington State Algebra End of Course Assessment. This year, we also have 3 students taking high school level Geometry.

Math Expressions

Students participate in higher-order and critical thinking with content that focuses on student inquiry, Math Talk, and modeling of examples with practice. Math Expressions has three components: focus, coherence, and rigor. Content is focused on essential learning of core concepts for Mathematics. Program content is organized into meaningful progressions that connect key topics between the grade levels. Content is presented for students to gain a deep conceptual understanding, fluency with procedures, and the ability to apply their understanding to solve problems.

Advanced Math For All Students

At NCA, we have a vision of advanced math for all students. It has been our experience that as children are given high levels of support, they accept high levels of challenge. This instills in them a genuine sense of confidence that will contribute to excellent opportunities in life and learning. You may have noticed that every year we are seeing more and more students learning math at the advanced level. Here is a summary of our program and how it has grown over the past few years. Our goal is that most or our graduates will have successfully completed high school Algebra or Geometry.

Math Olympics

Northshore participates in the ACSI Math Olympics every May. Third through eight grade students test to find the top three students per grade level in computation and the top three students per grade level in reasoning. 

NCA recognizes students learn at different rates. We offer the challenge of advancing a grade level in math starting at second grade and have a few students who are ready for the challenge of advancing two grade levels in math.

“I like how challenging it is and how it motivates us to work harder.” Caiah Wendt

Middle School Math

Our middle school math programs focus on developing a student’s basic understanding of numerical concepts while using these concepts to apply problem solving and algebraic thinking.

NCA middle schoolers have opportunities for beyond grade level advancement in preparation for high school course offerings.


While students are learning mathematics, they will understand the concept of absolute truth, and their minds will be strengthened through thinking and reasoning skills. Students will learn to go from the concrete to the abstract, from the particular to the general, from content to concept.

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