Walk-a-thon Information, Funding Focus, Celebration Day Details & Sponsors/Advertisers

what is Walk-a-thon?
The NCA Walk -a-Thon is a long-standing NCA spring fundraising tradition. This is one of our two major fund-raisers every year; this tradition encompasses so much more than the actual walking.
The 5 week program begins in late April and culminates in June with our exciting school-wide Walk-a-Thon Celebration Event Day – a celebration of the year for all to attend!
What happens leading up to the event, however, is what sets it apart! Each year’s theme shares a message of something foundational NCA message and points to our commitment to a Christ-centered education.
As a result, our school community has benefitted tremendously from donor-funded projects such as the new sports court, our huge playground structures, classroom Promethean boards, STEM, safety & security upgrades and so much more. Careful and intentional stewardship of donated funds has contributed to an educational experience like none other.
2024 NCA Walk-a-Thon Funding Focus
We are growing! Due to the continued growth of our school, we are thrilled to announce the upcoming build-out projects to expand the footprint of our school:
- More classrooms will be added, moved and renovated to accommodate the ever increasing number of students in the Academy and Early Learning.
- Our NCA health room will be expanded and improved, teacher workrooms/multipurpose rooms renovated and more!
Why are donations necessary?
- Careful stewardship and wise financial planning has made it possible for NCA to fund the construction / building costs.
- Funds raised by the 2024 Walk-a-Thon will predominately fund the equipping of the expansion with classroom technology, fixtures, furniture, student desks, and more. A portion of the funding will also fund this year's Educator Excellence Awards!
- Click on the video below for more details:
2024 Walk-a-Thon Goal: $175,000
2024 NCA Walk-a-Thon Results
Families, Friends, Grandparents, Volunteers, Sponsors & Business Owners:
Thank you for your support & generosity to help raise $225,129 (before expenses) towards the school expansion project!
Your prayers, efforts, and outstanding generosity truly made this year’s Walk-a-Thon a monumental success! Thank you to all of you who came to celebrate – Bubble foam, tailgating & school spirit was through the roof!
Donate to 2024 Walk-a-Thon Here:
We thank our 2024 Walk-a-thon Sponsors and Advertiser for their loyal support! Click here for a complete list of our supporters
Question about Walk-a-Thon donations or sponsorships? Contact Lina below:
NCA Walk-a-Thon Questions?
We are here to help! Email Lina Maragliano, NCA Development Director at lmaragliano@nca.school.
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