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    Objectives and Goals

    Welcome to Northshore Christian Academy’s Early Learning Center Toddler program!

    At this age, children are learning to play together and follow directions. Toddlers have high energy and excitement, which facilitates their growth and learning. We channel that energy into positive learning experiences, giving toddlers room to move and explore through cooperative and side-by-side play in the classroom and at recess.  Circle time is a wonderful opportunity for our children to sing and learn together. Our toddler teachers provide nurturing guidance as the children develop their physical skills and master emerging milestones.  Most of all the love of Jesus and the Bible are shared throughout their day.


    Northshore Christian Academy filters all learning and curriculum through a Biblical world-view. We endeavor to train children spiritually, academically, and personally. Northshore integrates faith and learning as we equip the whole child to develop leadership qualities in the context of their God-given abilities and talents. The entire process of education is used to bring children into fellowship with God, develop a Christ-like mind, and to develop their God-given personal and vocational potential.

    Bible: Children will be taught Biblical concepts and stories that will teach them godly character qualities. They will practice applying these qualities in their daily life including opportunities for serving others. Children look to Staff Members as an example of a relationship with God.  This will allow children to develop their own relationship with the Lord through daily prayer and worship.





    One Teacher

    and one Classroom Aide. 10-12 Kids. 

    Entrance Requirement:

    Must be 1 year prior to August 31st.


    • ELC Full Day Toddler Classes
    • Center open 7:00 AM-6:00 PM (children may attend up to 10 hours)
    • Instructional time 9:00 AM-1:00 PM
    • Morning and Afternoon Recess



    We immerse our children in language every day to help them develop a rich vocabulary through the reading books and teaching basic sign language to assist with communication.


    Our Toddler classes incorporate math concepts through counting and sorting with various learning objects, such as snacks, toys, and in nature. 

    Social Studies:

    Our themes help children explore the world around them, creating rich experiences and introductions to the world beyond their own front door through art projects and the reading of literature.


    Our themes help children explore the world around them, creating rich experiences and introductions to the world beyond their own front door through songs, art projects, sensory bins, and the reading of literature.


    Art experiences are many and varied to encourage children to explore both self-directed and teacher-directed projects.


    We have dedicated music lessons once a week in each of our classes, taught by our very own Music Teacher. Music is incorporated however into everyday during Circle Time, transitions, and many other times.


    Children are encouraged to explore new ways for their bodies to move through indoor activities, such as song and dance and outdoor activities in nature with jumping, hopping and simple games.



    Christmas Concert, ELC Mission Project, Moments with Mom, Walk-a-Thon/ Dad & Kids as well as several class Parties throughout the year.

    Course Guides

    Bible: The First Step Bible/The Beginners Bible for Toddlers

    Other Subjects: Educator-developed materials

    Developmental milestones 1 to 2 years*


    • Walks independently/ Transition to running
    • Drinks from cup without help

    Hand and finger skills

    • Stacks 2 objects or blocks
    • Scribbles
    • Picks up small objects and drops into the container
    • Tries to feed self with spoon

    Language milestones

    • May use 5 – 10 words
    • Tries to talk (babbles) and repeat words

    Cognitive milestones

    • Points to body parts (eyes, nose, mouth) when named
    • Responds to questions of yes/no with shake/nod of head
    • Understands 50 or more words
    • Consistently follows simple directions
    • Understands new words quickly
    • Looks for hidden objects – developing object permanence
    • Uses problem solving strategies

    Social milestones

    • Increased independent/side-by-side play
    • Imitates adults – sweeping, talking on phone, etc.

    Emotional milestones

    • Separates from parents with minimal distress after 2 weeks and engages with trusted adults
    • Shows emotions: happy and sad
    • Separates from parents with minimal distress and engages with trusted adults
    • Limited tantrums: uses words like “no” and “mine”


    • Finger-feeds self
    • Starts to feed self with spoon
    • Can put shoes on with help

    See Complete list

    See Complete list

    *Please note that this is not a complete list. For a more complete list, please see the CDC list.

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