Christmas concert performances teach many life-long skills

In December, five Christmas concert and chapel performances provide opportunities for our students to practice numerous skills that sink deep into the fabric of their lives and embed tools for life. Also, the December-January Speech Meet program has rave reviews from our alumni in preparing them for college and careers. How?  Here is our heart and vision:

  • Each grade provides opportunities to learn new performance and public speaking skills.
  • Each grade builds those skills: concerts, in-class presentations, 1-8 speech meet program, worship team, drama classes, and servant-leadership groups.
  • Each grade teaches stage performance skills with a philosophy of ‘giving a gift or service’ to the audience.
  • Each grade teaches ‘It is not about fame, self-centeredness, pride’, but it is an opportunity to tell a beautiful story to inspire others.
  • Each grade teaches how to support your classmates in whatever level they are at in musical performance and speech presentations. Cheer them on!

Personally, my son went through K-8 years of speech meets and Christmas concerts. In the early years, he froze on stage, turned pale and stammered. This was out of his comfort level! Over the years, teachers and classmates supported him and he gained competent skills. Once in high school and college, his training resulted in eloquent confidence in presentations to large crowds.

One student summed it up:  Because of the NCA stage training, I feel confident to stand up in my college lecture hall with 200 students to eloquently and persuasively convey my message.

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