NCA's Brand New Look

Over the past year, we have gathered a dedicated team to collectively begin a rebranding project with the help of our professional marketing partners at Rocketship. The goal was to capture and communicate who we are at Northshore Christian Academy (NCA) with 25 years of award-winning academic excellence behind us, a bright future ahead of us, and a fresh, new look.

There were many voices and perspectives from our organization that spoke into our rebranding and design efforts, as we refined what best portrayed NCA. In combination with celebrating our 25th anniversary this year, we also celebrate the leadership of our new Superintendent, Mr. Jordan Gage, who was central to the creation of our new branding. This is a very unique and exciting time in the history of our school!

Now, we are very pleased and blessed to announce NCA's official new branding which includes a new Logo, Mascot, and shield Crest design which speaks to the many facets to our Academy and the programs we offer.

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love. ~ 1 Corinthians 16:13-14

NCA Logo and Crest

We kept the compass feel as an ode to our incredible past, and refined it to signal a bright future for NCA. The star is elongated in the center to represent the cross, overall signaling our dependence on the guidance of Christ. Combined within our shield crest, the compass speaks to academic excellence and with the cross in the middle pointing to our priority commitment of being a Christ-centered school.

In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one... ~ Ephesians 6:16

NCA Mascot

The team decided to retire the Navigator mascot and ‘Gator’ nickname and move in the direction of using a Biblical animal that communicates strength, courage, and the majesty of Christ. As Christians, we stand firm in the name of Jesus and walk with courage no matter what comes our way. The clear choice was for us to become the Northshore Christian Academy Lions! We are excited for our students to walk with pride as lions for Christ!  Northshore Christian Academy - NCA- logos


To the only God our Saviour, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and power, before all time, and now, and for evermore. Amen. ~ Jude 1:25


Our NCA community will see changes over this over summer as we implement our new branding. However, we want to allay any concerns for our current NCA families regarding uniforms by letting them know that our approach for next school year allows for use of the current and former logo. This means that students may continue to use currently approved uniforms. We intend for any future changes in our uniforms to be a slow process with significant transition time so as not to cause hardship for parents. We love that we are an Academy that requires uniforms!

Northshore Christian Academy logo

We hope our NCA families and students will join in the excitement over our new brand and Lion mascot in the coming school year. Go NCA Lions!


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