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Objectives and Goals

Welcome to Northshore Christian Academy’s Half-Day Pre-Kindergarten Program!

In half-day Pre-Kindergarten, we offer an introduction to school for young learners with a wide variety of rich, hands-on experiences. Daily academic instruction includes circle time where children have concrete experiences with patterns, calendar, counting objects, learning about shapes, and developing letter recognition and sound skills. We teach Bible every day! Executive function skills are developed as children learn how to work together effectively at recess and free choice time. Art, music, and hands-on activities are used in all subjects to increase retention of material as well as to provide a joyful and creative outlet. Our goal is that every child will know that they are an important part of our Pre-K Family – a family that loves Jesus! We are intentional about every activity, seeking to develop a love of school that will last a lifetime!


All Pre-K teachers work together with the Early Learning Principal to teach the same curriculum in every Pre-K classes. The full-day has additional play time (indoors and outside) as well as lunch at school and designated nap time. Academics and curriculum are consistent between the two programs. There are three main differences:

Pre-K (Half-Day)
  • Is a half-day program, 4 days a week during NCA’s school year. There is no before or after school care.
  • Observes the NCA school calendar, closing for all observed school holidays and breaks.
  • Observes all procedures and protocols in our Academy Handbooks.
Pre-K (Full-Day)
  • Is a state licensed program and fully complies with Washington State childcare licensing rules and protocols.
  • Is a licensed child-care center allowing children to attend up to 10 hours per day.
  • Runs 5 days/week year-round, closing only for major holidays.


Northshore Christian Academy filters all learning and curriculum through a Biblical world-view. We endeavor to train children spiritually, academically, and personally. Northshore integrates faith and learning as we equip the whole child to develop leadership qualities in the context of their God-given abilities and talents. The entire process of education is used to bring children into fellowship with God, develop a Christ-like mind, and to develop their God-given personal and vocational potential.

Bible: Pre-K classes use the Purposeful Design Bible curriculum, which focuses on the foundational teachings from the Bible about the nature and character of God, the qualities of His people, and His church. In addition, children are taught weekly Bible verses to correspond with each week’s lesson.

Chapel: Students are active participants in chapel each week, singing and praising God. They also enjoy learning more about Him and His Word from ELC staff or guest speakers. A different character quality (Patience, Kindness, Honesty, etc.) is taught monthly. Parents are always welcome to attend.


Provide exceptional early learning experiences and age-appropriate teaching so that children develop a love of learning and are well prepared for a successful Kindergarten year


Self-contained. Basic Skills areas.


20:2 / 1 teacher & 1 Educational Assistant


Must be 4 years old prior to August 31
and be potty-trained.


Pre-K AM:  8:35-11:35 AM
Pre-K PM:  12:45-3:45 PM
Monday-Thursday (4 days/week)

Recess: 20 minutes


For our full-day PreK option, visit our PreK Full-Day webpage

Pre-Kindergarten CLASSROOM

At Northshore Christian Academy in the Pre-Kindergarten Department, our students are blessed with incredible educators who have decades of experience teaching, and are ACSI accredited and/or have Washington State Teaching Certificates.  Our teachers feel called to be exemplary educators and come from diverse and prominent teaching backgrounds that equip them with the tools necessary to meet the needs of each of our students.

As a Christian school, located in Everett, WA, we have the pleasure of partnering with families, local schools and businesses to give our students a well-rounded education.  Our program focuses not only on exemplary academics and their spiritual development of each student but also their social and emotional development.  Our program diligently works to support each of our students in their scholarly and personal endeavors as it helps shape and mold them into thriving members of our community.

Through collaborative teamwork, facilitated by our Learner-Centered Collaboration (LCC), our teachers are able to create an environment of dynamically different teaching styles and strategically consistent curriculum. This allows our teachers to successfully impact our students by supporting all different learning styles. Northshore’s teamwork approach in evaluating data, such as our standardized testing, helps our program continue to be at the forefront of producing students ready to lead the world.



Emphasis is on learning the letters of the alphabet and their sounds using many strategies.


Using age-appropriate, tactile and kinesthetic methods, students are introduced to the mechanics of writing, and proper uppercase letter and number formation.

Language Arts:

Emphasis is on providing rich literary experiences for the children in the form of Bible stories, poetry, age-appropriate non-fiction, and children’s fiction to expand the student’s vocabulary and support early reading skills.


Every day in Pre-K Math, the teachers build upon the concepts taught through the Bridges in Mathematics curriculum started in Preschool. These are highly effective programs that teach sorting, classification, pattern extension, prediction, measurement and more!

Social Studies:

Our themes help children explore the world around them, creating rich experiences and introductions to the world beyond their own front door.


Emphasis is on experiencing science in an exciting hands-on format. Students participate in planting and harvesting, discover their five senses, notice seasonal changes and observe the life cycles of frogs and butterflies.


Art experiences and age-appropriate crafts are incorporated into every subject. Emphasis is on the “process” rather than the outcome, creating an environment where exploratory learning is key.

Foreign Language:

Basic Spanish is taught at Circle Time.


Classes visit the NCA library once a month and learn how to care for books. They can check out books for use in the classroom.

Course Guides:

Bible: Purposeful Design

Reading/Language Arts: Educator-developed materials

Handwriting: Handwriting Without Tears

Math: Bridges in Mathematics

Social Studies: Educator-developed materials, Scholastic News

Science: Theme Directed


Field Trips

Pumpkin Patch in the fall.  In-house field-trips in the summer.


Community Helpers Week, Christmas Concert, Pre-Kindergarten Graduation, Moments with Mom, Walk-a-Thon/ Dad & Kids as well as several class Parties throughout the year.

Developmental milestones 4 to 5 years*


  • Controls body movement easily: starts, stops, turns
  • Throws and bounce a ball
  • Jumps over objects and climbs playground equipment
  • Pedals and steers bicycle or tricycle

Hand and finger skills

  • Uses scissors purposefully
  • Draws or copies basic shapes
  • Build a tower of at least 10 blocks
  • Pinch and shape clay/play-dough into recognizable objects
  • String beads
  • Write basic letter shapes

Language milestones

  • Follows simpler, unrelated directions: “go find your shoes and pick up that toy”
  • Changes speech patterns depending on the audience
  • Pronounce most sounds correctly
  • Asks for definitions of new words
  • Tells more complex stories and articulates thoughts
  • Argue, though the argument may not be logical

Cognitive milestones

  • Understands the difference between real and make-believe
  • Understand the concept of counting – counts up to 20
  • Follows multiple step directions
  • Recognizes pictures and symbols for real things
  • Understands  abstract ideas like bigger, less, later, ago
  • Engages in fantasy play

Social milestones

  • Share, cooperate, and take turns with other children
  • Begins to try and “take charge” – bossy and tattling
  • Begin to tell simple lies to get out of trouble
  • Developing a sense of humor – telling jokes and making others laugh
  • Saying/asking things to gain a reaction

Emotional milestones

  • Separates from parents and engages with new adults and children
  • Accepts redirection from adults
  • Questions “Why” they need to do things


  • Uses a spoon and fork independently
  • Can chew with lips closed
  • Dresses and undressed independently with limited/no assistants
  • Uses bathroom independently with reminders

Pre-K Readiness

Children should be able to:

  • Separate easily from parents
  • Listen to and follow at least two simple directions at one time
  • Speak clearly enough to be understood by the teacher
  • Notice and talk about changes in his/her environment
  • Enjoy listening quietly to stories and can comprehend age-appropriate materials
  • Use the toilet independently and fasten articles of clothing with minimal assistance
  • Have a cooperative attitude
  • Be engaged in a single activity for at least 5 minutes at a time
  • Obey clearly defined rules and respond well to re-direction and/or positive discipline when necessary
  • Use words or ask for help to resolve conflict with peers
  • Be interested in and excited about starting school

Provide exceptional early learning experiences so that children develop a love of learning and are well prepared for a successful Kindergarten year.

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Northshore Christian Academy is known for more than just our amazing curriculum, we also have one of the most incredible private school campuses in Washington State. See it for yourself.

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Accreditations & Affiliations